Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where is the America of our Founders?

When did things start going bad in the USA? I’ve been trying to think of a specific event that started the ball rolling downhill, but it eludes me. Yet here we are…divided and angry. We haven't been this divided since the war between the states.

The war in Vietnam changed a lot of things, but once it was over and the hippies grew up and got jobs, the country appeared to be getting back to normal. The election of Ronald Reagan was the one event that gave the country purpose and pride again. The usual left-wing whiners did their best to vilify Reagan, but the man was too good to be taken down by the Maoists and Leninists disguised as Progressives. Those were good times.

George H.W. Bush was sort of a blip on the face of history. Except for Gulf War I, he seemed to blend into the fabric of the curtains in the oval office. I recall a few highlights of his presidency…but very few. Despite his shortcomings, I’m sure the spark that has led to the deterioration of America didn’t arrive on his watch.

Clinton was a disgusting excuse for a president, and an even more disgusting excuse for a man, but his political acumen was brilliant and as long as the conservative Congress let him take some of the glory, he went along with their relatively responsible fiscal behavior. It was almost like having a Republican president as far as policy was concerned. However, I believe the demise of American excellence took root at some point in the eight years the Debaucher-in-Chief occupied the White House.

George W. Bush was a frustrating president. Despite the meanspirited drivel the media spouted, I don’t think a more honest, caring man has ever held that office. He loved the country and tried his best to do the right things, but while he tried to please everyone, he eventually reached the point where he pleased no one. The country festered under the last years of his administration and he was unable to correct its direction. If the Republicans in Congress had stood up to Bush when he was wrong, and not tried to out-spend the Democrats, we might not be in the mess we find ourselves in today. However,they were too desperate to be loved, and they lost their moral compass. They let the Democrats snooker their every move and eventually herd them into a huge loss at the polls.

Now we have a zealot, totally void of economic good sense, trying to remold the country into a soviet-style nanny state. He’s going out of his way to divide the country and to destroy the economy. His administration’s assault on the Constitution is jaw-dropping and recent polls say that over 60% of the American people think his policies are hurting the country, yet in the same polls he gets good marks for the job he's doing. Go figure! It has to be a fear of saying anything negative about a non-white president.

I didn’t think I’d ever see it in this great country, but I’m now convinced there will be blood in the streets before a new Congress can be elected and an end put to the economic carnage. Our founders would be in tears to see the destruction of the great country they built.

1 comment:

friar tuck said...

I too am not sure just when it started, but we've now got both feet on that slippery slope, and I fear that when we reach bottom it's going to be a hard landing.
My 50 year highschool class reunion is this summer, and already one of the main topics of conversation is the alarming slide into chaos we're on. No one sees a remedy for it, at least any remedy that is palatable for a great many of our citizens. Lets face it -- there's way too much finger pointing, and none of those fingers are pointed back at self. Somewhere along the line we replaced personal responsibility with personal "fulfillment," and that's a sure trigger for disaster.
I think BHO's (and now Slick WIllie's) pronouncements that we are no longer a Judeo-Christian nation are telling.