Monday, June 1, 2009

Get a Clue, Republicans!

The more I watch our spineless Republican politicians wallow around in mushy mediocrity, the more inclined I am to re-register as an independent. It's driving me nuts to witness such incompetence from our elected officials.

Since most who read this blog don't get the Tyler paper, this is a letter I recently wrote to the editor.

"Our senators and the Republican Party hierarchy seem convinced the recent tea parties and the seething voter anger that permeates the country will work to their advantage in the 2010 elections. Well, before stepping ankle-deep in drool, I'd suggest you take a moment to get a clue.

Last month, I wrote both our Texas senators expressing my displeasure over their political timidity and a perplexing obsession with mundane issues while the country is being driven off a financial cliff by big-government loving liberals. I suggested they take a national role in furthering real conservative solutions to our social and financial turmoil, and that they become highly visible leaders rather than just two minority votes in the Senate. However, either they don’t understand what leadership means, or they are content to fiddle while America’s economy burns.

Senator Hutchison didn’t even bother to respond with a form letter, but I imagine she’s too busy kissing Austin’s political derrieres as she seeks the governorship, to be bothered by national calamities.

Senator Cornyn’s only response was a subscription to his e-newsletter, so now I've learned his concerns about such critical issues as television’s switch from analog to digital. Unfortunately, he didn’t directly respond to any of the concerns I raised, but he hinted that he’s going to vote like a Republican.

Dang it, Senator, put some starch in your skivvies. We need a voice. I want to see you throw a body slam on Senator Schumer every time he sprints toward a TV camera. Fight for some air time! Wrestle him for the microphone, and don’t be afraid to use your knee to raise his voice a few octaves…he’d do it! I’d suggest our Republican delegation learn how to become hard-nosed conservative leaders by emulating Rep. Gohmert.

Furthermore, Senator Cornyn, please quit picking fights with Rush Limbaugh. Save your pique for Harry Reid. You won’t win elections without Rush and you certainly won’t win elections by being nice to the leftist media.

Perhaps you need a challenger in the next primary to test your conservative credentials. It seems to have awakened Mr. Good-hair."

I'm not the only Texas conservative who has become frustrated with the GOP, and we're letting the leadership know we're done being their loyal lackeys.

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