Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boy Scouts a Hate Group?

As I’ve mentioned before, I visit several discussion forums every day. Most are related to cars, or racing, or politics, but I also spend some time at a couple of writer’s forums. I don’t often participate, preferring to quietly absorb anything I can to improve my writing skills. One particular forum is rife with political discussions, and as expected, most of those who fancy themselves writers, are of the liberal persuasion.

A thread on that forum was discussing whether or not the Boy Scouts of America is a hate group. Of course, the idea is laughable to anyone with a shred of common sense, but the liberal template is that if the organization doesn’t embrace the views of gays and atheists, it’s a hate group.

Perhaps some of them will eventually come face to face with an organization like al Qaeda or the Taliban, and then they might learn the true meaning of organized hate. In my humble opinion, leaving a trail of burned and broken body parts is a bit more hateful than helping old ladies cross a busy street.

1 comment:

friar tuck said...

" One particular forum is rife with political discussions, and as expected, most of those who fancy themselves writers, are of the liberal persuasion."

I've noticed the same -- also the fact that they, along with a majority of our editors and publishers today also lean decidedly toward the feminist agenda. What's an old WASP to do?