Saturday, April 11, 2009


Got both my federal and state taxes sent off, and yesterday I mowed and trimmed the lawn for the first time this year. Since I'm mostly caught up with the pressing demands, I decided to relax for a day and take the convertible to a car show in the neighboring town of Canton.

It was a fairly big show, but the ride was chilly and the show didn't last very long, so it wasn't really worth the trip...especially since I got lost twice trying to take a shortcut on the back roads.

I was hoping to see lots of spring flowers on the way, but for some reason they are in short supply this year. There were only a few Bluebonnets...a few more Indian Paintbrush, and quite a bit of Red Clover.

I did see several birds that are recently arrived. Saw the season's first Snowy Egret, as well as a bunch of Purple Martins and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.

Speaking of birds, our Bluebirds are busy feeding their first brood and a Tufted Titmouse is sitting on eggs in the hollow tree the wind broke off a few weeks ago. I had planned on cutting it down, but now I'll have to leave it up until the babies fledge.

The forecast is for showers tomorrow and with the new sod in need of another watering, I hope the weatherman is correct.

1 comment:

RitaSV said...

I love that busy sound of birds in the spring....such peace and sweetness when the rest of the world seems insane. Happy Easter!