Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Operation Tea Bag

Operation Tea Bag is underway. A bunch of us are tired of writing letters that are answered with nebulous form letters, and of making phone calls that are treated with arrogant indifference by unresponsive elected officials. We decided to symbolically remind them of the history of our nation’s founding and the significance of a party that took place one night in Boston Harbor, so we’re sending them a tea bag. No letters will be included…only a single bag of tea.

If you are as fed up as we are with the way the federal government is acting, please join us in expressing your displeasure. It makes no difference which way you lean politically, since the protest is bipartisan in nature. Let the individual politicians conclude what they will from the little gifts.

I would hope that some of them will put a pot of water on the stove and enjoy a cup of brew while they read a copy of the Constitution of the United States to rediscover what their duties are, and to remind them who works for whom.

While you’re at it, spread the word to your friends and the websites you frequent.

Here is the White House mailing address and links to websites where you can find your representative’s and your senators’ mailing address.

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

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