Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winds of Discontent

The winds of discontent are blowing and they’re becoming stronger by the day. Coffee shop conversations, letters to the editor, blog entries, newspaper editorials, and talk shows are singing a tune that should send chills up the spines of our elected officials...if they had spines.

In the past, talks of secession were something we associated with radical militias and petulant sons of the old confederacy. Not anymore. The looming specter of even higher taxes, less individual freedom and oppressive federal meddling has annoyed the gentlest of souls and infuriated those of us less tolerant of Washington’s increasing arrogance and elitism. People are seriously entertaining thoughts of individual states leaving the union, and there are advocates of rebellion in the vein of the Boston Tea Party. Perhaps neither is imminent, but roiling anger of such magnitude is an open invitation for action. It only needs to find an act, an incident, or a person, around which to coalesce. Who is John Galt?

Websites inviting activists to join the fight against galloping socialism are springing up faster than flowers in the warming sun of spring. Their theme is common…a return to constitutional governance and a demand that the federal government get out of our lives. Patriotism is no longer defined as running the flag up the pole on the 4th of July and voting in every election. Now the call is for patriots to join forces and fortunes to defeat both Republican and Democrat politicians who seek personal power outside the law of the land…that beautiful Constitution so carefully crafted by the founders of this country. In flyover country, party loyalties are taking a back seat to propriety, reason, and rightfulness.

Some groups are even coordinating plans to march on Washington this summer, an act usually reserved for leftists. I wonder if our newly elected leftist government will be as tolerant of mass marches by those on the right?

Perhaps Atlas just shrugged.


Anonymous said...

It would be so tempting to go to Washington and contribute to the constitutional cause. I, too, am surprised by how many are speaking up about this. A clerk at Walmart of all places was commiserating with me and she initiated the conversation. Even several people that I know voted for President Obama are now having second thoughts. I'm terribly worried about how any law that far reaching could be so rushed through the process. Nobody had a chance to read it all the way through and I think we are going to pay the price literally and figuratively for generations to come for not having stood up to such rash decision making.

Here in King County/Washington state we are seeing individual property owner's rights eroding with every day our government is in session. So many people who do not own property or businesses cannot seem to understand what the removal of those rights mean for society as a whole. It is terrifying to tell you the truth.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we'll really see anything more than some minor protests; most conservatives - except those lucky retirees - have jobs, and can't spend all day protesting like the moonbats.

I'd like to think that the talk alone would be enough to scare some politicos, but it seems many of them (BOTH parties!) are too wrapped up in their own sense of power and greatness to pay attention to what "real people" are thinking. They only really pay attention to the payouts... oops, I mean campaign contributions, from the many Soros-backed lefty groups. While widespread discontent is a Good Thing for our side, it probably won't go much beyond that.

Remember, we had to sit through 4 years of Carter to get Reagan!

If things continue as they are, watch at least one part of Congress turn over in the next election.

The big question is will he screw up enough to be a one-termer ... and if he does, will we ever be able to recover from it?

Another nice thought is that all those far left supporters are expecting to get their wishlists checked off, and when they don't - and we know they won't get all they were promised - they just might turn on those they supported.

And if I'm totally wrong ... I'll end up resettling in the heart of flyover country.

Brother Bill

Anonymous said...

I r :0 the socialism I actually want to lern to spel. Oh, forgot. Someone else wil do that for me and I will be a more better part of thuh assimilation.

Yep, I am rather angry about this crap. Heck, I am of the financial status that would have the most to gain. They would not be gains I worked for nor achieved.

I want no part of the Socialism. I take pride in what I do and it is a long hours and pretty dirty. My job is what it is and I enjoy that at the end of the day, people were fed, friends and family had a shared time.

Makes no sense to me that someone that busts their rear to be very good has to share with the "eh, whatever".