Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our Leaders Should be Proud

Judicial Watch recently came out with their list of the top ten corrupt politicians. It was no surprise to learn that seven of them were Democrats and three were Republicans. The sleaze ratio has been about the same for as long as I can remember despite the mainstream media’s efforts to protect Democrats at every opportunity. Now that Bill Richardson has apparently been caught up in a pay for play scandal, Judicial Watch may want to increase the number of corrupt politicians on their list. It shouldn't be difficult to reach the twenty mark.

Clearing corruption within the party is where the Republicans should begin to rebuild if they hope to regain the House and Senate. They need to purge the sleazy few who always manage to drag the party through the mud once they are discovered. Drum them out of the party so that no R’s show up on lists like this one. No matter how senior they might be in Congress, or how important a job they might hold, Republicans have to make it clear that they will not tolerate anyone who violates the public trust.

Once the party gets its act together, they’ll have the right to take the high road into elections, but until they do, they can only say they are half as bad as the Democrats, and that’s nothing to brag about.

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