Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dog Days

The traveling vet came by today to give shots to all the dogs, and to check Belle’s thyroid condition. Yes, our vet makes house calls, but she charges extra for the house call plus a fuel surcharge because we live over 20 miles from her base of operations.

The reason we have the vet come to the house is because Belle will not lead with a leash, and since she weighs over100 lbs, you can’t carry her. Naturally, it couldn’t be one of the small dogs that needs a checkup every three months, it has to be the biggest oaf in the house. She also gets car sick, so unless you want to break your back and have your car to smell like dog puke and excrement, you ask the vet to make a house call.

At least they now have all their required shots, ears have been cleaned, heartworm tests have been run and we have another three months to save up a small fortune for Belle’s next exam.

Thank goodness dogs don’t go to college!

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