Another species has been added to our patio critter collection. We now have at least one Blue-tailed Skink making a home in our plants, but he’s a shy little guy. He jumped out of a pot when I was watering and then quickly ran around the corner to hide. I managed to get the one poor picture,(he's just above the tag) but when I tried to move in for a close-up, he dived into the pot and burrowed out of sight.
I don’t know why our toads disappeared, to be replaced by all the little lizards, but like the toads, they are keeping the patio plants free of grasshoppers and other large insects.
It’s back to dragging hoses around the yard again. After that nice 2” rain last week, summer has taken over again and the grass is quickly dying out. I hope I can keep it from getting too bad until the next rainfall arrives. If The Weather Channel can be believed, that might be later this week. At least the temperatures haven’t been too high, so I've been able work out in the yard until mid-afternoon.
The local tea party promoters have chartered a bus to take them to the big protest in Washington D.C. next month. Wish I was a few years younger so I could enjoy making a trip like that, but I’ll have to be content with attending our local tea parties. I really hate to travel any more.
Standing up to the constant barrage of liberal attacks on our freedom is like standing on the sea shore with a scoop shovel and shoveling against the tide. Now they are attacking the Oath Keepers organization on various websites. I guess an organization with the stated goal of helping assure that the Constitution is followed doesn’t appeal to the left.
Speaking of leftist tyranny, the snitch website has already found a couple of my conservative friends. They received e-mails from the White House attempting to set the record straight about health care reform. They had to have had their e-mail addresses reported to the Obama brown-shirts, since their addresses are not publicly posted. Looks like dissent is going to have to go underground. And the left complained that Bush was intercepting phone calls from terrorists. What has this country come to?
We have a ditch across the street from us. Zero frogs in it this year.
I wonder what this missing frog thing is all about?
Re Oathkeepers -- I'm not going underground for anybody! They want to come after me they're going to have to walk through some pretty heavy stuff to get to me!
Illegitimati non carborundum!
I dunno Gary. You are becoming such radical!
Here, have some of this yummy Grape Kook-Aide. And a pill. Yes, a little yellow pill. It won't hurt a bit. It is all part of the big picture. RENEW RENEW
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