Saturday, August 8, 2009


It seems as if I’ve been walking around half-asleep most of the past week, but I finally woke up and got some things done yesterday and today.

Yesterday, I decided to forego my usual morning coffee run to take care of some yard work while it was still cool. I managed to get nearly all the flowerbeds edged and weeded before the temperature became uncomfortable. I had been putting off that chore for days.

Next, I cut a hole in the garage wall and got the air conditioner mounted, so now I'll be able to work on some other projects in cool comfort.

This morning, I took in the gun show in Tyler and actually found some .380 ammunition for Judy’s Ruger LCP. It was about the same price as you can find on the Internet…when you can find it. However, without having to pay shipping and tax, it came out a bit cheaper. Now I can take the little pistol out in the woods and get the new laser sight adjusted.

After the gun show, I stopped at Home Depot and bought more shelf material, plus some nifty hangers for the garden tools. I managed to get everything hung this afternoon, and now most of the junk that was sitting on the floor and in corners is up and out of the way. The garage is actually beginning to look organized!

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