Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rain At Last

It was beginning to look like midsummer around here. The grass was withering and everyone reluctantly began watering their lawns, but during the night a light rain began falling and by noon the rain gauge measured 3/4". We should be good for another week, and the long range forecast is for thundershowers next week.

I sure hope this dry spring is not an indication that we're going to have a similarly dry summer. The price of water has more than doubled since we moved in, so I hate watering the lawn.

Well, tomorrow is the day for the big armed demonstration across the river from Washington DC. The Second Amendment blogs are deathly silent as the authors are on their way to attend the event. I only hope their message will be taken to heart by those arrogant politicians who refust to realize there is extreme anger in the heartland. What's scary is that it would be the perfect opportunity for a radical leftist to goad a violent response from a short tempered protester, which could result in the feds overreacting and creating another Concord Bridge situation.

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