Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Contemplating the Future

King George couldn't do it, nor could the Kaiser, Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito, or Mao. No, our Republic was destroyed by a bunch of self-serving politicians who took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution against all enemies. Led by a trio of stealth Marxists, they have set the nation on course to imminent bankruptcy and perhaps violent confrontation...and it's our fault for sleeping on duty and being too politically correct to recognize that pure evil exists in the hearts of those we elected. The Norwegians called them Quislings. I call them something that's not appropriate for this blog.

Now we are faced with serious decisions. How do we fix the mess? Do we sit back and wait for the next election to get us back on track? Do we engage in civil disobedience demonstrations that mimic those of the left in the sixties? Do we do as some hotheads are already suggesting, and destroy property as the Sons of Liberty did before the Revolutionary War? Do we goad the DC statists into an act of violence so as to trigger a violent response? Or do we do something else to put fear in the hearts of those who would destroy our country?

I wish I knew what was the right thing to do. What I do know is that it will no longer be business as usual for me.

1 comment:

Castle said...

The only thing left is the spark.
The Fuel has been applied.