Sunday, May 8, 2016

Elections Have Consequences

The presidential primary election is pretty much a moot point in the remaining states. Those who already voted had a choice of stick-it-in-your-eye political payback candidate, or a return to constitutional politics candidate. They chose to pay back the establishment. Maybe because they decided that none of the presidential candidates had it in their heart or in their power to fix the entrenched perversion of the two major political parties. Perhaps they preferred hyperbolic bomb throwing to boring rhetoric, or maybe there was a lot of voter ignorance, or maybe they decided to go with celebrity over substance. Maybe it was because their ears were deaf to the logic, or their eyes blind to reality, or their minds closed to history, or maybe it was all of the above.

What I did learn is that I can no longer claim the label of conservative or Republican. The party has sunk far below the level of conduct I’m willing to be associated with, and the majority of those voters claiming conservatism have apparently traded the precise words of the constitution for their interpretation of the gospel.

So where does that put those of us who swore allegiance to the constitution…not a Caesar, or a religion, or a populist movement? We are on the outside looking in as the factions jockey and bicker in the name of their favorite object of worship. We have nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait to see where the chaos goes and where it ends.

Last month once again set a record for gun sales in America. I wonder why?

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